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Limitations and considerations

When using a Microsoft Azure SQL Managed Instance source endpoint in a Replicate task, the following imitations apply:

  • A Secondary SQL Server database is not supported as a source database.
  • If you are using a Microsoft Azure SQL Managed Instance source database in a replication task, the Microsoft Azure SQL Managed Instance Replication Publisher definitions for the database that was used in the task are not removed when you remove a task. A Microsoft Azure SQL Managed Instance system administrator must delete these definitions from Microsoft Azure SQL Managed Instance.
  • Sparse tables are not supported.
  • Replicating data from indexed views is not supported.
  • Renaming tables using sp_rename is not supported (e.g. sp_rename 'Sales.SalesRegion', 'SalesReg;)
  • Renaming columns using sp_rename is not supported (e.g. sp_rename 'Sales.Sales.Region', 'RegID', 'COLUMN';)
  • TRUNCATE events will not be captured.
  • Replication of computed columns is supported in Full Load replication tasks only. During CDC, INSERTs to computed columns will appear as NULL on the target and UPDATEs will be ignored.
  • Microsoft Azure SQL Managed Instance partition switching is not supported.
  • When using the WRITETEXT and UPDATETEXT utilities, Qlik Replicate does not capture events applied on the source database.
  • The following DML pattern is not supported:

    select <*> into <new_table> from <existing_table>

  • Column-level encryption is not supported.
  • The following limitations apply when accessing the backup transaction logs:
    • Encrypted backups are not supported.
    • Backups stored at a URL or on Windows Azure are not supported.
  • Microsoft Azure SQL Managed Instance backup to multiple disks is not supported.
  • When inserting a value into SQL Server spatial data types (GEOGRAPHY and GEOMETRY), one can either ignore the SRID (Spatial Reference System Identifier) property - in which case the default SRID will be used (0 for GEOMETRY and 4326 for GEOGRAPHY) - or specify a different number. When replicating tables with spatial data types, Qlik Replicate replaces the SRID that was inserted by user with the default SRID.
  • Replicating GEOGRAPHY and GEOMETRY data types is only supported in limited LOB mode.
  • Columnstore indexes are not supported.
  • Memory-optimized tables (using In-Memory OLTP) are not supported.
  • Temporal databases are not supported
  • Delayed durability is not supported
  • Table change tracking is not supported
  • Masked data will be created in the target without masking.
  • Replication from databases configured to use ADR (Accelerated Database Recovery) is not supported.

  • Capturing DDL and DML statements within a single transaction is not supported.

  • Replicating a table or schema with an apostrophe (') in its name is not supported.

  • UPDATEs to a Primary Key/Unique Index that affect multiple rows may cause conflicts when applying the changes to the target. This may occur, for example, if the UPDATEs are applied to the target as INSERT/DELETE operations rather than a single UPDATE operation. In such a scenario (where UPDATEs to a Primary Key/Unique Index affect multiple rows), working in Batch optimized apply Change Processing mode is not supported as it may result in the table being ignored. Working in Transactional Apply Change Processing mode however, may result in constraint violations. If this happens, you either need to reload the relevant table or locate the problematic records in the Apply exceptions Control Table and edit them manually in the target database. See also: Change Processing Tuning.

  • Changes applied to the database using DACPAC will not be captured.

  • System tables and views are not supported.

Non-supported Microsoft Azure SQL Managed Instance security features

Tables that use the following Microsoft Azure SQL Managed Instance security features are not supported:

  • Always Encrypted
  • Row-Level Security

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